Employee Engagement Program
You’re invited to participate in the Employee Engagement Program, a university-wide initiative that provides you with the opportunity to play an active role in some of the university’s most highly visible events: Mustang Move-in and Spring Commencement. By participating in these marquee events, you can help create a new, rich tradition of employees engaging and supporting students during some of the most pivotal times in their Cal Poly experience.
You can help create amazing memories and connections for the students and supporters who choose to call Cal Poly their home away from home – sign up to participate today!
Interested in coordinating a group of people from your department to participate in an event together? Be sure to indicate your interest in the sign-up form.
Event Sign-Up Opportunities
Academic Year 2024/25
- Commencement, June 14-15, 2025
- Mustang Move-In, Sept. 11-12 and 16-17, 2025
Management (MPP) Employees
Management personnel from all divisions, including auxiliaries, are expected to work one shift at University Housing Move-in or Spring Commencement each academic year.
If you are already working to directly support any of these events as a function of your position or provide a qualified auxiliary service, then you do not need to sign up for a shift to fulfill this requirement. Complete the MPP exemption below.
Management and staff employees who meet this exception are encouraged (but not required) to participate in other events during the year. For instance, if you have an active role in a cultural commencement, consider signing up for a shift during Mustang Move-In. There is always a need for additional support, which is greatly appreciated.
Staff and Faculty Employees
Some essential staff employees, such as those regularly assigned to work large events (including all Facilities and Housekeeping staff), will be assigned to work during these events unless directed otherwise. These staff are considered an essential part of the key functions and will be granted CTO or flexible time by prior arrangement with their supervisors. If you are unsure, please check with your appropriate administrator to determine if you have been assigned to work any of these events.
For all other staff, there is no requirement to work at Move-in or Commencement. Your participation is completely voluntary and extremely appreciated! Please note that the hours worked by non-essential staff are considered voluntary; employees should seek approval from their supervisor to participate.
- Non-exempt employees should be compensated with CTO (compensatory time off), subject to their administrator’s approval.
- Exempt employees may adjust their work schedule during commencement week to shift work hours from week to weekend as needed (they are not eligible for CTO or overtime).
Faculty play an important role during Commencement and are part of the platform party on stage, processional and graduate farewell area. The students love to see their faculty as they cross the stage and meet with faculty afterward to introduce family and friends. Information about the platform party will soon be posted on the University Commencement website.
Why is Cal Poly instituting the Employee Engagement Program?
Cal Poly is establishing this program to create a new tradition of employees supporting these marquee student events, which serve as memorable bookend experiences to their Cal Poly educational journey. In addition, employee participation in these events are well established practices at many other universities across the country and are considered best practices in student and parent/supporter engagement.
Why is the program highlighting Mustang Move-in and Spring Commencement?
Mustang Move-In and Commencement are among Cal Poly’s most visible and well-attended celebratory events, and require the participation of hundreds of university, student and community members on an annual basis. These events bookend the Cal Poly experience for students, from the day they begin their journey as a Mustang at Mustang Move-in, to the day they leave our campus as graduates at Commencement. As such, these events serve as an opportunity to show the campus community’s support for our students and their parents/supporters and create a new university tradition that future generations of Mustangs can enjoy.
Where can I find more information about these events?
You can learn more about Spring Commencement by visiting the Commencement Office website. For additional information on Mustang Move-In, please visit the University Housing website.
Will trainings be provided?
Yes! After signing up for a shift, University Housing and the Commencement Office will contact participants and provide training prior to Mustang Move-in and our Spring Commencement ceremonies, respectively.
Who is required to participate?
Management personnel from all divisions (including auxiliaries) are expected to work one shift per academic year at University Housing Move-in or Spring Commencement.
Some essential staff employees, such as those regularly assigned to work at large events (including all Facilities and Housekeeping staff), will work these events unless directed otherwise. These staff will be granted CTO or flexible time by prior arrangement with their supervisors.
All other staff are not required but encouraged to volunteer for these events.
Are there opportunities for students to participate?
Yes! Students can participate in both Mustang Move-in and Spring Commencement. Student volunteers and campus organizations including WOW, cultural clubs, Fraternity and Sorority Life, student-athletes, college ambassador groups have a long tradition of involvement welcoming new students and celebrating our graduates.
For additional information on Mustang Move-In student participation opportunities, please visit the University Housing website.
How long is a shift?
Shifts are typically 4-5 hours in length but may vary slightly, depending on the area within the event you’ve been assigned to work. More information on shift length will be shared in advance during trainings/orientations so that participants have a clear understanding of the amount of time they are asked to commit.
What if my schedule doesn't allow me to participate in these events?
Management personnel who cannot participate due to a scheduling issue may request an exception from their respective vice president.
I’m already participating in Mustang Move-In and/or a Cal Poly commencement ceremony. Do I still need to sign up for a required shift?
If you are already working to directly support a university commencement event (a cultural or departmental commencement ceremony, for instance) or Mustang Move-In, then you do not need to sign up for a shift to fulfill this requirement.
That said, management and staff employees who meet this exception are encouraged to participate in other events during the year. For instance, if you have an active role in a cultural commencement, consider signing up for a shift during Mustang Move-In. There is always a need for additional support, which is greatly appreciated.